Welcome to our New Dealers ~

Hi Ya'll ~
Last week I mention that we had a
new dealer in the house.
Well, looking from the outside in, they will be known as
Booth Space #56.
And looking from the inside out,
we know them as...
(left to right)
Randy Uecker, Dale Tetley, and Robert Lyster.
Well, the three
of them survived the "over the top"
Memorial Day sale. Running around,
lifting, packaging, loading, and everything
else that was asked of them.
These guys are a great team!

Then if that weren't enough, the guys
came back the same week to restock
their space with more goodies to keep
you shopping.

Lets have a peek, shall we.......

When you see them at the shop, stop by and say "Hello",
let them know that you saw them here on the blog.

Wishing you a warm welcome ~
Randy, Dale, and Robert.
From our family here at
Treasures N Junk


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